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Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics

Gravity and String Theory Group

Welcome to the homepage of Matthias Blau

Research Interests

My research interests include, in general,

Publications and Lecture Notes

If you want to know more about this, take a look at my and/or at the review article I have written lecture notes on a variety of different topics over the years. Since some of them appear to be quite popular (in particular the lecture notes on General Relativity) I am making them available again:

Bachelor and Master Projects

If you are interested in writing your Bachelor or Master Thesis under my supervision (and you are a student at the UniBE), just get in touch with me.

Please Note: Due to lack of time and resources, I am not available for the supervision of external students or summer internships!

Here is a list of some recent


Current semester (Autumn 2024):
Past: Future:

